"the second one gets less attention"scenario. We're working on it constantly.
She has packed on the pounds...she now weighs 12 pounds (she was 8 pounds at 2 weeks)! She went from being int he 35% when she was born to 84% in weight! Wow. She is 23.5" long (was 21.75 at two weeks) and her head circumference has also grown from 14" to 15.5". Baby girl is already out grown a lot her clothes...we're moving out of the 3 month sizes and going to 3-6 months. She is long and has the cheeks for us to pinch.
Oh Landon! He is a curious and adventurous little one. Loves to explore anywhere and everywhere we go. He has always been independent...puts himself to sleep (97% of the time), brushes his own teeth(we also make sure we go in and do it right...he screams but it needs to be done), he likes to climb up to the sink and wash his own hands and the newest ones are going potty and self-feeding. Not at once...but he is hitting milestones like crazy. We're also encouraging him to use his words and it is rather cute to hear him try to speak real words. As you know, he's been speaking Landon speak for months now. His newest word is yes...or in Landon's world: "esss" and his nods are adorable.
He loves cheese...string cheese, had his first quesadilla and cheese sandwich this month. He also enjoys his tangerines, peas, noodles and string beans.
He loves electronics and gadgets...cell phones, iphones, ipads, anything with buttons and makes noises or plays music. We've introduced Toy Story, Wall-e, Finding Nemo and Up! Not certain that he is really watching...which is okay with us. I just love hearing trying to mimic the words.
Landon also loves to try new things and basketball is the latest. He got this bball hoop from his cousins and loves to put the ball into the hoop. So cute.
Landon loves his new baby sister and is always wanting to help. Whether it's to wipe her mouth, give her the pacifier, help with the burping...his favorite is to give her kisses.
Happy New Year! May your year be filled with lots of love, joy and great health!