Happy 13 months Landon. Our happy boy!
This last week Landon has been standing on his very own. He's even take a couple of steps. It won't be long before he starts walking with confidence. He loves to crawl but loves it even more when he's walking around with the help of a walker or by anyone that is willing to hold his hands.
For the last four weeks, I've been trying all kinds of cups to wean him off of the bottle. Landon still gets a bottle in the morning and in the evening before bed. But during day he uses a cup with a straw. Transitioning hasn't been smooth sailing but he's starting to drink his organic whole milk and water from a toddler cup. Don't get me wrong...he'd rather take his milk from a bottle.
Landon loves to share, wave and say bye-bye, blow kisses, expresses himself vocally when he's not happy, gives a biggest grin when he is loving something...usually linked to table food. Landon has been introduced to oatmeal, fish, strawberries, bananas, watermelon, tofu, bread, cherrios and veggie snacks. He's our boy, he loves to eat.
He also has mastered going down stairs, getting off the couch and bed. I love to watch him get to the edge...survey the situation, watch him back up to turn around and to slide down legs first. So cool.
We're continuing to try to put shoes and socks on him...he absolutely rejects socks. He screams. I need to get him some ankle socks and see if that will work. Meanwhile, he goes out without shoes. He's gonna need to learn, no shoes...no going on the floor to walk. Oh boy. We'll need to work on this one.
He continues to explore the house and is curious about everything. He loves to climb, flip toys over, dance, sing and still loves to put everything in his mouth. Not everything, almost everything. Landon has 8 teeth and is drooling like mad...he must be teething again.
I love you Landon boy!
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