Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Landon @ 3.5 month update

We took Landon in for his check-up with Dr. Stephanie Whang earlier this week and the Landon boy was a riot in the office. First, he decided to "P. Freely" when Norman took his diaper off and when the nurse was giving him some oral meds...he projected some of his last meal. Oh boy!

Other than being a boy. He is growing. Just nine weeks ago he weighed 9 pounds 12 ounces and this week he weighs 13 pounds 12 ounces (he has more than doubled his birth weight). He grew another 3.5" and is 25.25 inches long. He now wears 6 month clothing.

He continues to smile and coo's when we talk to him. It is a joy when Landon laughs when we make funny faces and shower him with kisses. He no longer sleeps in the bassinet in our bedroom and sleeps in his crib. The transition was easier for him than it was for me. The first night in his crib, I must have stared into the video monitor all night. I'm all good now.

He loves playing in his crib, kicks his legs and swings his arms, makes funny happy faces and coo's when the mobile above him is on. So darn cute.

Landon can hold his hands together and loves to stick them in his mouth. Just loves to stick them into his mouth. If we take the one hand away...the other one instantly goes in. Most recently, he found his feet...just waiting for the toes to go into his mouth.

We still can't tell who Landon looks like. What do you think? I've set up a poll at the top of my blog. Please vote.

1 comment:

Gavin said...

I noticed nobody voted for Landon looking like Norman...including me! :)