Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy First Birthday Olivia!

 We celebrated with family at Top Island Restaurant on Sat., Oct 29th for Olivia's First Birthday. Mango Cake was yummy.

 Yeah, we're all looking in the same direction! That's a very big deal!
 She loves the guitar. When she hears music she sits and turns her body...dancing Olivia style.
 She loves to play with her tongue.
Hmmm, this phone looks good enough to eat.
 Landon left one of his cars out...yeah!
 Landon's checking out all of Olivia's new birthday toys.
 Olivia loves to push buttons.
 Wow! Olivia is tall.
"Yeah!", says Landon. I got the phone.
Busted. Olivia caught climbing on top of the bench.

Happy First Birthday Olivia. She loves to dance and sing. She has been a better solid food eater. We recently introduced avocado to her and she loves it. She's eating porridge with chicken, carrots, peas and spinach, bananas, cheerios, bread and plain yogurt. She still only has three teeth. Two at the bottom and one on top...we might be gumming food for awhile longer baby O.

Landon and Olivia have been sharing a room for awhile now and it's working out great! She still cruises around and can pull herself up. She hasn't taken any steps on her own but she can take steps when hanging on. She can climb on and off ride-on vechicles in the house and loves to climb onto Landon's bed and roll around. 

One of the signs that can tell you that Olivia is happy is when she swings her legs...sure sign of pure happiness. She enjoys watching Baby Einstein DVDs and explore the house. One of her favorite plush friends is her pink bunny. She likes to give it hugs and dances with it stinkin' cute!

Happy 1 year old Olivia baby. Mommy loves you.

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