Thursday, March 31, 2011

Olivia @ 5 months

Happy Five Months Baby Girl! You're starting to coo and blow very cute. You're just like your brother when it comes to drooling. You're a drooling machine. You are genuinely a happy wake up with smiles and I can tell that you're very excited when I greet you with a hug and kiss. We finally got your crib put've been taking your naps in it but we haven't put you in the same room as Landon during the evening. It's not because we think you'll wake him up but we believe that he'll be the one to wake you. My singing calms you when you're having your bottle, not sure why, but it works. You love to watch the helps you relax and it soothes you to sleep. We've tried feeding you rice cereal and we'll keep trying until you master solids. You're only 5 months but in certain brands you've outgrown the 9months pjs. You are one tall little baby.

I love you Olivia.

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