Saturday, March 26, 2011

Project Life 2011 - Update

Am I a practical person? I like to think that I made a practical decision this year by documenting my family happenings by going digital. It is totally a different approach to tradition scrapbooking...which I love and will continue without a doubt. I decided that this was something that I could keep up with and have a completed book at the end of the year. Now, that is the goal. Not to say that blogging and sharing on Facebook isn't a way of documenting happenings. Afterall, I love tradition and a printed book tickles me. I'm all caught up with the exception of one missing photo from last week...feels so good. You have no idea.

 Just wanted to take a moment to share my progress on my Project Life. So far so good...I'm still able to keep up with the book. I am happy that I decided to go digital on the family memories for 2011.

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